Monday, August 18, 2008


How significant are the terminologies?
The terminologies which we commonly use, do they really signify what they are suppose to mean.

One debate we always had internal to our teams.

Since the time we started the development of web activities, we felt that web site is not an appropriate term for representing the corporate web property. The term “web site” does not explain the state of content or organizational information. “Site" is by-the-way in the process of information dissemination. It does not really explain the importance of the property in the information flow or knowledge flow.

To explain the significance better, we decided to call it a "web destination". Many of our clients today use this term to explain their web properties. A web destination is where all the roads for information end. This is the place where any kind of information relevant to the information is available. This is where the journey of the user to find information about the corporate, or it's product or services ends.

The more we have been debating on this understanding, we are feeling even this term does not really explain the significance. We are working on documenting our understanding and our misunderstandings.

Watch this space for more about it. Its becoming interesting, the more we explore.

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