Monday, September 8, 2008

Web Branding : Our Take !

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

~ Benjamin Franklin

For branding in India, there is a slight twist. If one campaign becomes successful for the reasons not in poor consumer’s hand, the same definition changes to...
“Insanity is doing the same thing again and again expecting the same result every time.”
Now, with opening of new brand communication possibilities due to the advent of Digital Communication, we are getting the newer playing fields.

Online branding is going to be US $ 5 Billion or may be it already is. We are ignorant bits, who don’t understand how and where these numbers come from, but which ever way reading this feels great.

Yes! Yes, we believe, rather strongly that future of advertising and branding is in experience and engagement and this shows promise for online branding as online space is all about experience and engagement.

But, is the online space just the extension of the current ways of advertising? Whoever thinks so is making a blunder and looking away from the future. Unfortunately this is already happening. Somewhere in the process, online advertising is stuck with banners, micro-sites and search engine optimization. One tends to forget that all these are extravaganza to the presence of the brand online. This calls for creation of properties representing the Brand.

Great brand needs to have great offering.

Net presence of any brand can be either online or hybrid. Creation of hybrid brand i.e. the branding online, but actual brand experience offline, is more challenging and needs strong understanding of marketing, design and technology possibilities.

Next time you need to create brand presence, think beyond search engines. Because search engines will bring users to the property, but what happens if the property itself is not happening.

Think “change!